My Best Friend

This story may be edited for strong language. This story belongs to the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Matthew Patton Foundation.

Matthew was a great friend. Everybody and an body deserved a friend like him. His smile could light up your day or just talking to him could put you in a better mood. When I first meet him he was such a sweetheart and amazing. He could make you laugh so hard and make you feel so loved at the same time. Our friendship was amazing from the the day we have spent at the lake hanging out and having great times. Or when we would go mudding and get the truck all dirty and have an amazing time. It was always the small thing that matters. To him it was having people there to make him smile having a friend he can call when he needed somebody. In the short time I knew him. He became a friend that I could ALWAYS count on a and call when I needed somebody to talk to. Him being gone have impacted a lot of people but I know that he's up in heaviness mudding and enjoying a nice evening cod beer and sitting by the lake. He will always be in my thoughts and in my heart no matter what. We miss you Mattie and you are always here with us no matter what. We love you.

Story Type:  About Matthew Story

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