MPF's Monthly Nonprofit Spotlight - September 13, 2016









Operation Stand Down RI at:

Serving Veterans Since 1993

Mission: Operation Stand Down Rhode Island’s mission is to help veterans secure stable housing and employment as well as other assistance according to individual needs including case management, basic human needs, referrals, and education and training services.

About Us

Operation Stand Down Rhode Island (OSDRI) is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and Rhode Island’s primary nonprofit resource for homeless and at-risk veterans. Founded in 1993 and headquartered in Johnston, OSDRI’s mission is to help homeless and at-risk veterans secure stable housing.

Ending the cycle of veteran homelessness, and preventing it, requires much more than providing a roof over the head of an individual veteran or veteran family. To achieve this goal, OSDRI offers a wide range of life-changing services including supportive permanent and transitional housing, intensive case management, basic human needs assistance (for example, food and clothing) and an employment training and placement program.

OSDRI works hand in hand with almost every major state and federal agency as well as community organizations and employers to provide seamless referrals to outside sources of assistance.

1010 Hartford Avenue
Johnston, Rhode Island 02919
Phone: 401-383-4730
Fax: 401-383-9107

Services at

Since 1993, Operation Stand Down’s “A Hand Up not A Handout” approach encapsulates our treatment of the “total veteran.” Experienced Case Managers, work one on one with the veteran to develop individual treatment plans, and coordinate the provision of services in the areas of housing, employment & training, and health & wellness. Operation Stand Down’s goal is to provide the support mechanism which allows the veteran to work towards their own independence and success.

Our case workers and veterans work hand in hand to ensure physical and psycho-social stabilization. Comprehensive service plans address development of life skills in areas including coping, communication, conflict resolution; and skills that aid in recovery from acute adversity such as job loss, substance abuse, PTSD, or mental illness.

Veterans for whom full employment is not an option, our case workers provide guidance on applying for local, state, federal and military assistance including medical and mental health benefits, employment income support, food stamps, and veterans and Social Security benefits. Operation Stand Down does all of this while at the same time addressing some of the most basic and urgent needs: clothing, food, transportation and housing.


Founded in 1993, Operation Stand Down Rhode Island (OSDRI) has grown to become Rhode Island’s innovative and leading non-profit organization dedicated to the mission of ending homelessness among veterans in our communities. OSDRI follows the “housing first model” providing permanent and transitional housing combined with a full range of supportive services designed to address the individual veteran’s needs which led to his or her state of homelessness. Supportive services include but are not limited to: intensive case management; coordination of mental health and substance abuse treatment; assistance with VA benefits and employment, training and job placement services. Our focus is to give veterans a “hand up…not a hand out.”

Presently Operation Stand Down Rhode Island owns and operates fifty nine units of permanent and transitional housing located on five campuses throughout the state. These facilities house disabled low-income veterans who prior to arriving at Operation Stand Down Rhode Island were homeless.

For homeless or at-risk low-income veterans, with or without disabilities, Operation Stand Down Rhode Island provides rental assistance and supportive services through the Supportive Services for Veteran Families Grant.

Employment & Training

Throughout America’s history it has been our military members’ training, values, leadership, teamwork and “can do attitude” that carried our nation through great challenges of our times. These same skills make veterans good for an employer’s bottom line.

Despite these invaluable attributes, our veterans face many challenges in reintegrating into the workforce, especially those that are homeless. Whether it is limited “in-demand” work skills, unstable housing, physical or emotional injuries Operation Stand Down Rhode Island’s Veteran Employment and Training Specialists (VETS) can help.

Operation Stand Down Rhode Island is able to work with ALL VETERANS in need of work through both private and federal grant programs.

The Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program  and Supportive Services for Veterans Families targets homeless and at-risk veterans for employment.

Combining the resources of OSDRI’s fifty units of permanent and transitional housing for homeless disabled veterans, the Supportive Services for Veterans Families (SSVF) program and the Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP), Operation Stand Down Rhode Island implements the “whole veteran” approach focusing on removing barrier s to employment.

Operation Stand Down Rhode Island’s Employment and Training Program is focused on providing homeless and at-risk veterans the employment and training services they need in order to re-enter the labor force. Job placement, training, job development, career counseling, resume preparation, are among the services that are provided. Supportive services such as clothing, provision of temporary, transitional, and permanent housing, referral to medical and substance abuse treatment, and transportation assistance are also provided to meet the needs of this target group.

Eligibility Requirements for HVRP

To be eligible for the Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP), each of the following U.S. Department of Labor conditions must be met. Note that OSDRI may require additional eligibility criteria in addition to the criteria listed below.

1. Applicant must be a Veteran. A Veteran is a person who served in the active military, naval, air service, Merchant Marines, or was activated by Presidential order and served in another state or country while in the National Guard or Reserves, and who was discharged or released wherefrom under conditions other than dishonorable. Individuals who received a “dishonorable” discharge are ineligible for HVRP services.

2. Literally Homeless or Imminently at-risk of literal homelessness: Applicant must (1) be imminently losing their primary nighttime residence, (2) have no other residence, and (3) not have sufficient resources or support networks, e.g., family, friends, faith-based or other social networks, immediately available to prevent them from becoming literally homeless. To further qualify for services under category 1, the grantee must (4) document that the participant meets at least one of the following conditions:

a) Has moved because of economic reasons two or more times during the 60 days immediately preceding the application for homelessness prevention assistance;

b) Is living in the home of another because of economic hardship;

c) Has been notified in writing that their right to occupy their current housing or living situation will be terminated.

d) Lives in a hotel or motel and the cost of the hotel or motel stay is not paid by charitable organizations or by Federal, State, or local government programs for low-income individuals;

e) Is exiting a publicly funded institution, or system of care (such as a health-care facility, a mental health facility, or correctional institution) without a stable housing plan;

f) Otherwise lives in housing that has characteristics associated with instability and an increased risk of homelessness, as identified in the recipient’s approved screening tool.

Through grants from the Wal-Mart Foundation and Nordson, OSDRI is able to work with ALL veterans to help them find gainful employment.

This allows OSDRI to help circumvent one of the causes of homelessness, lack of employment and financial stability. OSDRI Employment Specialists will work directly with the veteran to match their specific skill set and interest with the needs of the employers in the OSDRI database. OSDRI will also help the individual address barriers to their employment.

All veterans in need who meet the above criteria, or those assisting such a veteran, are encouraged to call OSDRI at 1-800-861-8387 and ask to speak with an Veteran Employment and Training Specialist. If you are unsure as to eligibility please do not hesitate to call.

Supportive Services for Veteran Families

Operation Stand Down Rhode Island (OSDRI) provides financial and support services to veterans and veteran families that are homeless or imminently at-risk of being homeless through the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program.

Through the SSVF Program, Operation Stand Down Rhode Island aims to improve very low-income Veteran families’ housing stability by providing eligible individual veterans and veteran families with outreach, case management, and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits.
In addition, OSDRI may also provide time-limited payments to third parties (e.g., landlords, utility companies, moving companies, and licensed child care providers) if these payments help Veterans’ families stay in or acquire permanent housing on a sustainable basis.

SSVF Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for SSVF homelessness prevention assistance, each of the following VA conditions must be met. Note that OSDRI may require additional eligibility criteria in addition to the VA criteria listed below.

1. A member of a Veteran family: Applicant households must either be a Veteran or a member of a family in which the head of household, or the spouse of the head of household, is a Veteran. A Veteran is a person who served in the active military, naval, air service, Merchant Marines, or was activated by Presidential order and served in another state or country while in the National Guard or Reserves, and who was discharged or released wherefrom under conditions other than dishonorable. Individuals who received a “dishonorable” discharge are ineligible for HVRP services.

2. Very low-income: Household gross annual income does not exceed 50% of area median income based on the income limits most recently published at

3. Literally Homeless or Imminently at-risk of literal homelessness: Applicant households must (1) be imminently losing their primary nighttime residence, (2) have no other residence, and (3) not have sufficient resources or support networks, e.g., family, friends, faith-based or other social networks, immediately available to prevent them from becoming literally homeless. To further qualify for services under category 1, the grantee must (4) document that the participant meets at least one of the following conditions:

a) Has moved because of economic reasons two or more times during the 60 days immediately preceding the application for homelessness prevention assistance;

b) Is living in the home of another because of economic hardship;

c) Has been notified in writing that their right to occupy their current housing or living situation will be terminated.

d) Lives in a hotel or motel and the cost of the hotel or motel stay is not paid by charitable organizations or by Federal, State, or local government programs for low-income individuals;

e) Is exiting a publicly funded institution, or system of care (such as a health-care facility, a mental health facility, or correctional institution) without a stable housing plan;

f) Otherwise lives in housing that has characteristics associated with instability and an increased risk of homelessness, as identified in the recipient’s approved screening tool.

All veterans in need who meet the above criteria, or those assisting such a veteran, are encouraged to call Operation Stand Down Rhode Island at 1-800-861-8387 and ask to speak with an SSVF case manager. If you are unsure as to eligibility please do not hesitate to call.

Stand Down Weekend 2016

Stand Down Weekend
Friday, September 16 – Sunday, September 18 2016
Diamond Hill State Park
Route 114, Cumberland, RI 02864

What is Stand Down Weekend?
Sponsored by Operation Stand Down Rhode Island, Stand Down Weekend is a three day outreach event which gathers homeless and low income veterans from around Rhode Island and brings them to a military style encampment. While at Stand Down, veterans may remain on premises and are afforded access to services provided by OSDRI and longtime federal, state, and community partners.

Schedule of Services

All services begin following the opening ceremony and are provided through Friday and Saturday.  On Sunday breakfast and lunch will be served.  Assistance with housing and employment and training will be available till noon.  Return buses will depart on Sunday.

Rhode Island District Court and Traffic Tribunal

Court will begin on Saturday at 10:00 am.  Attorneys will be present on Friday afternoon in the legal tent and at 9:00 am on Saturday morning to provide assistance.  All veterans wishing to address issues before the court must check in and visit with an attorney.

* Veterans wishing to go before the court should visit the legal tent on Friday or come to the main building at 0900 on Saturday!!!

Rhode Island Department of Motor Vehicles / Operator Controls

*Available Friday & Saturday


Optometry (Eye Doctor) will be available on Friday & Saturday. Please check at registration as to the location.

Information and Transportation Questions


PROVIDENCE: (Kennedy Plaza Stop Y): Departure to Diamond Hill Friday (September 16th) and Saturday (September 17th) 7:00 am and 11:00 am. Return RIPTA Bus from Diamond Hill to Kennedy Plaza Friday and Saturday 5:00 pmSunday at 1:00 pm.

WOONSOCKET: (Woonsocket Depot) 9:00 AM(SHUTTLE) Return 4:30 pm

PAWTUCKET: (Pawtucket Salvation Army 9:00 AM (SHUTTLE) Return 4:30 pm

WESTERLY:  Call for Details (401-383-4730)

NEWPORT: Call for Details  (401-383-4730)

Resources: complete list at:

Community Action Agencies
Emergency Shelters

Consider making a donation today!

Donate at

Donate Online With Piryx

Piryx is a fundraising platform that ties together online commerce and real-time giving opportunities. Piryx helps thousands of non-profits, charities, advocacy groups, political campaigns, school groups, and independent causes raise money online.

Donate By Check

You can always contribute by check or money order to:
Operation Stand Down Rhode Island

Operation Stand Down Rhode Island
1010 Hartford Avenue
Johnston, RI 02919

Thank you for your generosity!

Remember, donations are tax deductible.

Urgently Needed Donations

Food: Our food pantry is open to any veteran in-need. Items such as canned & boxed goods, pasta, packaged cold cuts, diapers and more are always in high demand.

Food / Gas Cards: Gift cards in small amounts of $10, $20 or $25 are needed especially by our veteran families and those veterans searching for or commuting to work. We recommend Price Rite as the money goes further.

Contact at


401-383-4730 (Office)
401-383-9107 (Fax)

General Email Address:

(To email a specific staff member please visit the staff page)

401-383-4730 (Office)
401-383-9107 (Fax)

401-383-4730 (Office)
401-383-9107 (Fax)



Support Our Soldiers at

Freedom isn’t Free

Mission Statement

Our Mission is simple:  To assist Veterans of the United States Armed Forces in any way possible, and to raise awareness of the POW/MIA issue.   

A Brief History

S.O.S. (Support Our Soldiers) was founded in 2007 after our son-in-law was deployed to Iraq. We learned that the soldiers serving were in need of many basic necessities, so we felt we had to do something. The first year, we held a very successful motorcycle run and raised money for care packages and sent over many, many items to our soldiers.   

We then learned that there were so many others doing exactly the same thing, so we asked our son-in-law what is it that you guys (and gals) need (or want) the most? He told us that the MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation) needed funds more than anyone. What is that you ask?  Well, we asked the same thing, which is why they needed help…no one seemed to know what they are. The soldiers do though. The MWR is a network of support and leisure services designed for use by U.S. soldiers (active, Reserve, and Guard), their families, civilian employees, military retirees and other eligible participants. The MWR is the only organization within the military that supplies them with the day-to-day “distractions” of the mundane, and sometimes terrifying life they live. They supply everything right down to the Frisbees and footballs that they use to blow off steam. So, in year two, we held another motorcycle run and all our fundraising efforts were directed to the MWR.

And now, just a bit of rumor control. There have been many questions we've received recently regarding the disbanding of the Motorcycle Association. The Corporation has decided to focus on our Mission, rather than using much of our time and energy on the many demands of running a MA, so yes, we have disbanded SOSMA. If you are looking to join a similar organization, please feel free to contact us and we'd be happy to give you a few to consider. We do, however, remain a volunteer organization, and rely on our volunteers greatly, so if you would like to help us in our Mission (statement below), please contact us at:  We would certainly welcome the help!!!

We are located in Massachusetts, so we will be helping Veterans in this state, and all states in New England. We are also committed to raising awareness for the POW/MIA issue.    

Support Our Soldiers, Inc., was incorporated in Massachusetts as a non-profit charitable 501(c)(3) organization in 2013.   

I hope this brief history has answered any questions you may have, but if you would like to speak with one of us directly, or join us in our cause, please feel free to email us at:   

Thank you!

The Story of the Poppy

Many Veterans advocacy organizations "sell" (give out as a gift for your donation) poppies as a fundraising event, but have you ever asked yourself why? You will see us out and about in the community doing the same thing, so I thought I'd tell you why we do what we do.   So, please, give generously to whomever you see...and remember, In Flanders Field, when you do.   Now that you know... I'm sure you'll never forget.  

Below is the poem, In Flanders Field, which was written by World War I Colonel John McCrae, a surgeon with  Canada's First Brigade Artillery. It expressed McCrae's grief over the "row on row" of graves of soldiers who had died on Flanders' battlefields, located in a region of western Belgium and northern France. The poem presented a striking image of the bright red flowers blooming among the rows of white crosses and became a rallying cry to all who fought in the First World War. The first printed version of it reportedly was in December 1915, in the British magazine Punch.  

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly.
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Merchandise at

Welcome to our merchandise page!!! By purchasing from SOS, you are indirectly supporting our Veterans, so THANK YOU!!! If you are looking for something specific and don't see it here, please shoot our Prez an email at Chances are we can find it for you...or we may even have it already and it just hasn't made it to the page yet! This page will be updated regularly, so check back often!!  

Also, please note that I'm still getting things updated and organized, so some sizes may run out that is not reflected here.  I'm doing my best to keep it updated, so please pardon the dust.   If for some reason your order cannot be fulfilled, I will notify you. Thanks for your understanding!

Happy Shopping!


Public Disclosure Documents at

As a registered non profit, charitable organization, there are certain documents that the IRS requires us to provide as public disclosures. Below are the documents in Adobe format for your inspection, sorted chronologically. These documents are also available by contacting the IRS directly.  If you have any questions, please feel free to use the Contact Us form. If you do not have Adobe, you may download a free copy of their reader by clicking this link: Get Adobe Reader Free

Donations at

There are several ways to donate to our cause. Please see the options below ... and THANK YOU!!!

One Time Donations

Like any other non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of the public to help us in our Mission. Everything costs money, unfortunately, and our operating costs are no different. Not one person in this organization, from the volunteers (our awesome "worker bees") to the Executive Director of the Corporation, are paid one cent. We are a completely volunteer organization and donate our time, talents and energy because we believe in our Mission. Although we try to hold as many fundraising events throughout the year that we can, we would much rather be putting our time and resources to use serving our Veterans. So, if you could help us out, we'd appreciate it.  Any amount is appreciated, but for ease of use, we have set up the options in denominations of:  $10, $25, $50 and $100.  If you would like to donate an alternate amount, please use the Contact Us Form and we'll contact you individually.  

Thank you so much for your generous support!

Monthly Support

Monthly Support is a wonderful way to ensure that our Veterans are receiving all the help that we can possibly give!!! This generous gift is set at $25.00 per month.  If you are interested in donating a different fixed monthly amount, simply use the Contact Us form and we can set that up for you individually. You can opt out any time, but we sure hope that isn't the case.   

Thank you so much for your generosity!!!   

In Memory Of

If you would like to make a donation in memory of an individual for a perpetual candle on our website, please click the box below. Please include the information you would like included, such as name, dates of birth and death, etc. Your loved one's information will be included on our In Memory Of page. Please note this is a yearly subscription.  
Cost:  $50.00   

Please use the Contact Us form and indicate your loved one's name or the alternate text you would like included.

Corporate Sponsorship

If you are a Corporation and/or Organization and would like to be included on our Corporate Sponsors page, there are several levels that may interest you. Please contact us for more information:

Contact us at

Support Our Soldiers

6 Harvard St.

Walpole, MA  02081



Massachusetts Soldiers Legacy Fund at

Honor the Sacrifice of Massachusetts Fallen Heroes


The Massachusetts Soldiers Legacy Fund (MSLF) was founded in 2004 with a simple goal: to provide educational assistance grants to the children of Massachusetts Servicemembers who were killed while deployed on Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. We are proud to report that we are accomplishing our founding objective thanks to the support of individuals and organizations throughout the United States.

The MSLF has raised over $4.5 Million and will continue to enhance the educational pursuits of its 49 families and 80 children. If an individual is a child of a Service member, whose service is credited to Massachusetts and who gave their life in Operation Enduring or Iraqi Freedom, he/she qualifies.

Our Mission

The Massachusetts Soldiers Legacy Fund is a charitable trust that seeks to honor Massachusetts Fallen Servicemen and Servicewomen, who were killed while deployed on Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom, by providing educational assistance grants to their children.

Children qualify if their parent in the military died in either Operations Enduring or Iraqi Freedom and whose death was credited to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. There is no selection process. If the child is a son or daughter of a Serviceman or Woman whose service is credited to Massachusetts and gave his/her life in Operation Enduring or Iraqi Freedom, that child then qualifies for funds. To date, over 100 Servicemembers from Massachusetts have been killed. Of these casualties, 49 were parents who left behind a total of 80 children, ranging in age from newborns to twenty seven years of age. All of these children are now eligible to receive funding through the MSLF program.

All contributions to the MSLF are collected and pooled together in an investment account that is managed on a pro-bono basis by GW & Wade Asset Management in Wellesley, MA. In an effort to preserve donor contributions, the MSLF Board of Trustees has adopted an investment strategy with low market risk.

Quick Stats

Year Founded:               2004
MSLF Families:                    49
MSLF Children:                   80
Number of Donors:    3,000+
Funds Raised:              $4.5 M
Funds Distributed      $ 750K+

See Some of Our Amazing Families at

Our Supporters at

Our Events at

MSLF in the Community
The Massachusetts Soldiers Legacy Fund hosts and participates in events across the state to provide support to our families.    These events provide an atmosphere for our kids to connect with others who have lost a parent.  We take pride in providing services which facilitate the grieving process and provide comfort to our families and believe these gatherings do just that. Some recent events include a luncheon, 9/11 Service Day hosted by Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund and Kimball’s Farm.  

Marlborough Country Club
Each October, the Marlborough Country Club hosts a charity golf day to honor our Veterans and Active Duty Military.  Over 100 military members enjoyed a free day of golf, raffles, dinner and fun.  The MCC and its Military Appreciation Day have raised over $15,000 to support our families. 

Kimball’s Farm  
Each summer the MSLF,  Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund and Army Survivor Outreach Services hosts a Family Fun Day at Kimball’s Farm in Westford, MA.  Our families enjoy a wide variety of activities including a picnic lunch, petting zoo, bumper boats, driving range, mini golf, batting cages, arcade games and of course….Kimball’s legendary ice cream!!

Fenway Westfield 
Fenway Westfield is 1/4 replica scale of legendary Fenway Park, Boston.  Fenway Westfield was built in 2008 in the backyard of Chris and Jen Dolan's home.  The 9/11 Memorial Day Wiffle Ball Tournament is held each August in honor of a MSLF Fallen Hero.  


Gold Star Mothers and Family Day
The MSLF along with the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund, Massachusetts Fallen Heroes and Army Survivor Outreach Services hosts a tea in honor of Families of the Fallen. The Tea which is held the last Sunday in September coincides with Gold Star Mothers Day.  

9/11 Remembrance Events 
The MSLF is proud to support local 9/11 Remembrance Events. 

The Massachusetts Soldiers Legacy Fund has been supported by the most enthusiastic group of donors, supporters, businesses, and foundations in the Commonwealth.

Latest News
MSLF kids attend a variety of colleges and universities such as Virginia Military Academy, University of Texas, Curry College, Stonehill College and Fayetteville Technical Community College.  Thus far in 2016, the MSLF has distributed over $220,000 in grant dollars.   Best of luck to all returning students for a great year! 

The Side by Side golf tournament will be held on Monday, September 12th at the Pleasant Valley Country Club.  This charity tournament benefits Military Charities and MSLF is proud to be recipient.   

Thank you to Fenway Westfield for another great event in honor of  SGT Benjamin Sherman from Plymouth, MA will be honored.  SGT Sherman lost his life in 2009 serving in Afghanistan.  

Our deepest thanks to Marlborough Country Club who hosted its 5th annual Military Appreciation golf tournament on Monday, August 29th to benefit the MSLF.   Your generous donation is most appreciated! 

The 2015 MSLF Annual Report is here.  We are proud to support these families with their educational goals and continue to honor the legacy of Massachusetts Fallen Heroes.  

Contact Us at

Call or Email

Call: 508.630.2382
Toll Free: 1.866.856.5533
Address: 225 Cedar Hill Street Suite 200 Marlborough MA 01752

Donate by Credit Card at

The Massachusetts Soldiers Legacy Fund has been recognized as a Charitable Trust. All donations are tax deductible and will go towards the children of Massachusetts Servicemembers. Donate by credit card by clicking the DONATE button below. You will be redirected to a secure site that will process your donation.

Donate by Check

Please make checks payable to:
Massachusetts Soldiers Legacy Fund

Please mail checks to:
Massachusetts Soldiers Legacy Fund
225 Cedar Hill Street Suite 200
Marlborough MA 01752

* Please make sure your full name and address is on your check so that we will be able to send a tax-deductible receipt to you. If you'd like, you can also print off the MSLF Donation Form (below) to include with your check. Thank you. The MSLF's IRS Tax ID # is 20-1909556.








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