Veteran Story
A Veteran describes the negative consequences that can happen when a Service member leaves his or her branch of service unprepared because of inadequate preparation from his or her Service branch. Read more.
A Veteran talks about a therapy called Alpha Stim and how it is working, or not working, for him or her. Read more.
A Veteran, who decided he was ready for mental health care, specifically counseling, asked MPF for help finding a mental health center that would potentially do some sessions over the phone because he travels daily. This Veteran dislikes the VA and does not trust it, so MPF found something similar that fills his needs. He is now in counseling. Read more.
A Soldier explains the problems he experienced during active-duty that resulted in an other than honorable discharge and the continuing problems he faces now as a Veteran. Read more.
This retired Veteran has had claims pending for over a year and is still waiting for correct percentages. Read more.